
Friday, January 9, 2015

12 Ways to Save Your Money

One of the many reasons why I was attracted to my husband is, he's very kedekut (frugal).

After two weeks of dating, I asked him if he'd like to go to a fancy restaurant for dinner.

His reply was "I don't have the budget for entertainment this month".

Other men would have just swiped their credit card instead of straight out admitting they don't have the budget for it, at such an early stage of courting. I think this is a 20th date sort of confession.

Of course, being a freelance writer means that a boho degree in frugality is part of the deal.

Here's a list of how my husband and I stretch our money.

Eat In and Eat Simple 

Last night I fried three pieces of Ikan Kembong (Indian Mackerel), and we ate with rice, sweet soy sauce, and chilies.

This simple meal only cost us RM 1.50 per person.

Quit Smoking

We smoke. At RM 12.00 per pack, that's RM 24.00 per day already. I decided to quit buying my pack because I'm freelancing. Abu's working, so he can afford this luxury.

Stop being a Princess. Buy Used Clothes. 

I remember spending at least RM 250 buying brand new clothes every month. I stopped being a princess and started buying used clothes instead. Doubt in Bukit Jambul (above Nasi Kandar Rashidiyah, next to Petron petrol station) sells gently used Forever 21, H & M, Zara dresses. The ones that I usually buy only cost me RM 10.00 per outfit.

I think buying used is really fun. Even Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley buys used clothes.

Academy Award winning actress Julia Roberts shops for her kids clothes in thrift stores, too.

Buy Used Books or Used Golf Clubs

We all have hobbies. I'm a reader so instead of buying new books, I buy used books at Salvation Army  Family Thrift Store now.

If you love golfing, Golf4U offers high-quality, used golf clubs at great prices!

Don't Attend Weddings

Do you really need to attend your neighbor's wedding? That's RM 100 ang pow already.

I'm not saying you should stop attending weddings. You can, however, be selective about it. Attend only relatives' weddings.

In Malaysia, a lot of couples get married in November and December. You should start planning a vacation then.

My friend, Sabrina Hashim, went for her honeymoon during my wedding. Thanks for the idea.

Don't Shop Online

Why make spending money easier? Enough said.

Avoid Malls and Supermarkets

It's easy to sway from your frugal intentions when you're in a mall. Sales and discounts are everywhere, and you'd end up buying things that you don't need, just because they are on sale. Avoiding malls is easy for us because we hate crowded places.

If you must get your groceries, we suggest heading over to your neighborhood kedai runcit (grocery shop) instead.

Use Your Credit Card Points

My twin sister, Emily, recently converted her credit card points to Enrich points, hoping for a free vacation.

I remember using my credit card points to pay for my groceries.

My husband used his credit card points to buy electrical items for the house.

And Then Cut Your Credit Card in Half

It's hard, and I understand, but this breakup has to happen.

Keep Your Change

This isn't much, but we saved the coins for seven months, and rewarded ourselves with a short getaway to Melaka. The coins we saved bought us a one-night stay at River Song Residences.


Abu rides his motorcycle to work while I am planning to walk more. We get to save on petrol and I get the exercise I need.

Be Realistic

My secret shame is watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians. But let's be realistic and don't get sucked into their lifestyle. We have to work for months for a handbag we see the Kardashian girls get just by breathing.

I'd love to hear from you. Tell me how you stretch your money!


  1. Get rid off things that you do not need at home by selling them on apps like Carousell. This app is very popular in SG and also is picking up in Malaysia. I got rid off $100 worth of "junk" just in the first week of joining. That's when I realize how much stuff I don't really need, but they are still in good condition, someone out there could make use of them! Clothes, lightly used beauty products, make up, bags, almost everything that is still usable can be sold.

    I declutter with this decision tree:
    Have I used the item in the past 2 weeks/month?
    [Yes] > Do I need it? Yes >> keep / No >> sell
    [No] > Can someone else still use it? Yes >> sell / No >> throw

    Although it can also be time consuming and challenging (fussy people) dealing on Carousell. Well no pain no gain.

    (This is not good, but doing this has also enabled me to shop more. Lol)

    1. Oh dear...I was hoping no one mentions decluttering and selling the unwanted!

      I'm very lazy when it comes to taking pictures and uploading pics, but i agree, this should be the 13th way to stretch money!

      Thanks for the idea. :)

  2. "and then cut your credit card in half" OMFG
    I guess its a bonus i dont earn enough to have a credit card yet! i dont even have a debit card but sometimes i want to shop for things online so bad because i cant find them in malaysia! :(

    my clothes and books are mostly secondhand while my shoes cost quite a lot

    and like aiting, i sell my unused stuff on carousell and have earned a bit of pocket money
    but sometimes i too realise i probably shop for secondhand stuff more than i sell! hahaha
